aosid's Diaryland Diary



it was such an unsettling lecture. you would never expect to hear mathematics delivered with such fury. he described himself (this description was later itself described as "not meaningful) and dove straight into the statistics: the medians, the normal curves, the least squares. but as he dug through robust analysis, bits of him crept out. statistics (sickly, lying approaches) cost him most of his thyroid. if you weren't paying attention, you might describe him as simply rude, but in sooth he was purely adamantly sincere. this is a seventy-year-old man who hates the establishment - no aimless adolescent angst here. he needed us - a mere seven of us - to take care and to listen.

at his behest, i did not escape into music as a trudged home. i instead swam through that odd intersection of numbers and fears, a disorienting path to the right life.

4:59 p.m. - 2009-11-10


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