aosid's Diaryland Diary



i honestly remember more of what i wrote before i blacked out than i let on. i'll give you a hint: it was one of those letter-style diary entries. the salutation read "Oh Lisa," in the biggest, floweriest letters a decreasing coordinated version of me can muster. i love writing your name in my script - it always sticks out just a bit: it is usually a little bigger, and the lines are straighter and bolder. the dot sits at an ideal position above the "i".

to the point: it feels good, to live in longing. it keeps the cold from my hide.

but knowing? ("Oh Knowing,"): i could probably get used to this. i'll clutter you, i'll complicate you.

any old solstice.

11:50 p.m. - 2009-12-21


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