aosid's Diaryland Diary



"everything and nothing." it's a new mantra i've been trying out/that's been trying me out. it even speaks to its meaning. to itself: to everything and to nothing.

i'm bound by thoughts now, as much as i ever have been. every image, every word, every syllable lights some trail, an urgent little mandelbrot tangent shooting off somewhere/nowhere. it's exhilarating; it's exhausting. i would finish this sand castle but who would tend to the other ten

and what could be a lovely compelling forest is instead the grey noise between me and you. everything. nothing.

so it's back to the old way/hard way/right way, the way with thoughts not frantic but ravenous, thoughts who drown their competition like so many runts, who bare their teeth at wasteful sleep, and who above all else are too pure to question themselves.

i'm ready for a good rip tide

3:53 a.m. - 2011-07-25


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