aosid's Diaryland Diary



i'm beginning to adore the phrase "is it crazy to say [something bold]?" there is a certain elegance to it, but you might need some context. see, i have this characteristic that goes by a number of names and connotations - the spectrum might run from "softspoken," "understated," "cautious," "timid," to "craven." whatever the reason, these days i don't lead a lot. and i have this mistrust of ambition - not of ambitious people, no, but of the emotion itself. it can so easily lead to ruin or (worse yet) disappointment. so i'm careful when it comes to speaking my mind and making my plans, those delicate sacred things. but this turn of speech.. it seems like an easy way out of boldness, but really it's a succinct way of tricking oneself into it. because it's easier to ask a question, especially one you actually have. but once you've asked, you've told, for better and, well, better. it's a way to be a little crazy. and some of the most important things i've ever heard have followed that silly bit of grammar or something like it.


8:30 a.m. - 2013-02-15


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