aosid's Diaryland Diary



A memory:

We drove from Heron Park towards Clark Drive. It was February, I think, after the pavilion, not the parking lot (which is another story, a bad one I've only told once). We were near those apartments that rested (at the time) in an empty field on the crossroads. I rolled the window down and made a wing with my left hand, carefully adjusting the angle so it neither rose nor fell. I held it there until I couldn't stand the knives in my wrist, then slowly drew it back inside and held it to the vent, which has only ever lazily exhaled. She said it was like the thing she did with the faucet, and it was true. We never figured out what it meant; our best theory was that it was an exploration of the extremes of perception and tolerance.

2:41 a.m. - 2013-03-09


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