aosid's Diaryland Diary



your love is like a thorn into my side

it's so easy to forget the treasure that broods over our humble valley.

it hurts a little less every day

but there is a certain shade of evening gold that compels the animal brain to seek the secret high places.

but sometimes fragments of her voice echo soft through yesterday's ears

the straining tendons, the proud violent heartbeat, they are nothing short of divine escape from the smoke and the gravity.

"i should really live closer"

there is no great revelation at the end of the trail, but there is the sense of one, humming behind the dull roar of the chandelier city.

you should have taken her hands in yours and held her gaze with yours and shown her how happy you could both be

there are congregations on the mount, a few people gathered around a self-impressed blowhard, but you can always tell that the worthiest stories belong to the other gargoyles, alone and silent and distant in thought.

and now she's gone with the rest of yesterday

and even as you stumble back down, none the wiser for your brief pilgrimage, you know the mountain has saved a little piece of you somehow

just keep climbing

11:11 a.m. - 2013-09-08


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