aosid's Diaryland Diary



"everything happens for a reason."

this is an axiom i can finally accept. and when i'm given an axiom i am a force of logic to be reckoned with. it's funny, then, that here i would skip to a conclusion that doesn't follow. it took one night where the stars went uncrossed, the very same night that convinced me to believe, to send me barking up the wrong tree. life never stops plotting its next irony. but i am resilient; i will always correct my fallacies. there's a corollary to the postulate that set my blood racing under the half-dreamt moon:

"everything happens for a reason, but that reason is not necessarily the reason you think."

so i'll watch and i'll wait and i'll run and i'll laugh. i have a new faith in order and a new respect for humility. i have new roads to chase. but maybe we'll meet again.

12:38 a.m. - 2014-05-02


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