aosid's Diaryland Diary



i am a pilot. the engine pulls me through the night sky again for the million billionth time for the smallest outward reason, but

i still love it. the air it holds me and i swim through it. my blood still rushes stomach still bubbles with every revolution. the wings are more mine than the hands that guide them, and they still feel like they did the first day i met myself

and i am a cat flowing with ardor for every uncountable muscle in my fluid frame. i embrace my impossible angles with perfect economy and cherish my banal poetry

and i am me and i breath deep and step wide and am crushed with admiration for my perfect clumsy frame and i will never lose this

and you have come from nowhere and you can feel the vital loop in me and i can feel yours and in all the world no one else is so lucky as to dive into our endless oneness

12:25 a.m. - 2010-03-23


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