aosid's Diaryland Diary



oh, but that was exactly what i needed. a night without unfathomed pressures or swarming insecurity or anything at all. i just swam in brandy and hookah smoke and said it all. i never really think about how short my thoughts are until i finally press them into sound - they echo so well in this skull that i can never really appreciate their simplicity. such a short story, really (thisgirlwasinterestingthenshekissedmenowi'mconfused) but i never got to spill it. it's just as well that it's lost on drunks, but i'm glad i could pretend to share it for a few seconds. regrettably plural nights of anxious impotent pacing whistle into suddenly autumn air. all that's left are half-baked rehearsals of hand-wrung confessions of affection and that solid looming lapis expanse of promised sleep and i really like her and there's only one thing for it. these are things that i can live with.

12:07 a.m. - 2011-09-02


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