aosid's Diaryland Diary



this one is milder jar to put in the root cellar before i forget it.

a long while ago, before i got back in the habit of preserving moments in wordy brine, i had a Slice of the Life. it really started new year's day, two thousand seven, in the smallest hours - we had gotten kicked out of finnegan's and didn't have the remains of a party to bury so we sat in the parking lot for hours and hours and opened our little green hearts (of fifteen and eighteen - far from ripe). and we didn't kiss and i got her home around five and was nearly as happy as i've been. then there were nights when we would sit in the coffee shop, or on the shores of foy's lake, or on the roof of my garage, or maybe we would lie on our backs on the trampoline in her backyard. we would be in these places and spin quiet stories about nothing and everything and it felt just like the fifties or something. when i was away, we'd have a nightly vigil, phones and stairwells until one of us fell asleep, just like i've always watched my parents do. and in the summer i was home but there were times when we'd both be so tired from work that we'd twist round each other like old roots and sleep until we had to work again. those were really the times that bubbled up today - the house would be empty in the four o'clock heat and it would just be two lovers fixing each other a quick dinner or a bit of coffee in the kitchen and if it weren't for the bareness of their fingers you would swear we were married. and you know, there was something to that - somehow, with so few years between us, we had sussed out the happy secret to breathing-while-near. god, that summer was saccharine simple, and to this day, i'll vow with calm fondness that we had it right.

i'm a bit sad that it's only history, but far more glad that it happened.

4:30 a.m. - 2011-10-31


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