aosid's Diaryland Diary



the sun has almost reached that particular nondescript point when i always know to find the shade and leave the world. the coffees are nearly drained, the foam koala doodle in mine unrecognizable. the conversation has hit that lull before the farewells that we both recognize but don't acknowledge.

megan ventures: "i'm glad you came."

i stumble in trying to reciprocate: "yeah, i, uh, was going to suggest this too but i was too nervous."

she laughs. most people would have offered a stilted, uncomfortable consolation. it's something you might not notice, that you might write off as the lingering cruelty of a former lover. but it's really just soft familiarity.

the laugh says: "yes, i knew you then and i know you now."

9:11 a.m. - 2013-07-24


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