aosid's Diaryland Diary



to my credit, i hadn't noticed how rocky things have been. new terrain crashes beneath my feet hour by hour (mountains like pebbles endless chasms cracks in the pavement). i've seen the sun fall on days of sheer glory, impossible and savage and unapologetic; i've seen the clouds swaddle a beaten whimpering world in muted blue-black until i couldn't make out the countless stones that bruised us. and i've tumbled giddy through it all, nervous enough to be colorful but really just drunk on the baffling beauty of all this impossible reality. "how strange it is to be anything at all." i can't go back to not being, not now that i'm finally awake, and oh god you don't know how you make me burn like i haven't in forever and please let us be real

2:58 p.m. - 2014-05-19


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